With you every day Created in 1996 by Michel Martin, with Patrick Auger and Hervé Louis soon joining in the adventure, Proginov is located in La Chevrolière, south of Nantes, France, and currently has 300 employees. Management software (ERP) publishing has been at the heart of Proginov's business since it was founded. Its application suite is based around commercial and industrial management, accounting and finance, payroll and HR. With each new version, Proginov enhances its ERP system with additional modules and applications in response to the requirements of sectors including commerce, industry, agri-food, distribution and logistics, construction, timber, woodwork, textiles, automotive, quarries and sand pits, points of sale, e-commerce and health. To date, 1300 SMEs use the Proginov ERP system in France and abroad. In 2001, Proginov achieved a first in France by developing and marketing the first hosted management solution for SMEs. Its status as a Cloud Computing host brings it genuine added value, making it the leading ERP software publisher in France. Proginov's strategy of remaining financially independent is one of the keys to its sound social and financial health. The €8,000,000 capital is fully owned by Proginov's directors and employees on a voluntary basis. Over 85% of employees are shareholders. Similarly, Proginov owns all of its infrastructure and 8,000 m2 premises. Since it was founded, Proginov has seen two-figure growth, with turnover reaching almost 58.5 million euros in 2022. Our directors have a clearly-defined aim for our SME: To sustain and constantly develop our business model by combining: Technological innovation; High levels of quality of service; A responsible social model. The management team consists of Philippe Plantive as Chairman, Xavier Bossis as Managing Director and Jean-Etienne Boussaud, Stéphane Delhommeau, Hakim Arar as Deputy Managing Directors. The Board of Directors has 12 members, all active in the company.